AUG 12-13 @ GUELPH, ON
at a glance
Featured Keynote Speakers

About OCBS
The Ontario Cell Biology Symposium brings together researchers from around the province with the aim of creating new research opportunities and fostering new collaborations.
This Symposium aims to provide a forum for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research.
This meeting will cover important topics in cell biology, including signal transduction, metabolism, organelles, cellular architecture, cellular trafficking and advanced microscopy, with a portion of the meeting dedicated to translational studies and emerging methodologies.
We aim to create an inclusive environment for this meeting, and one that will feature diverse participants.
We hope to see you at OCBS 2024 in Guelph, ON!

About the City of Guelph
The City of Guelph hosts a vibrant community with a rich agricultural history, surrounded by the rolling hills of southwestern Ontario. Guelph is approximately 100km west of Toronto.
Also known as the "Royal City", Guelph offers a blend of experiences including a charming downtown core, sprawling natural scenery, and the academic center that is the University.
While you're here, spend some time at the Arboretum gardens, the Art Gallery of Guelph, the Boathouse tearoom & ice cream parlor on Speed River, one of our many craft breweries, or even the donkey sanctuary of Canada!
Here a day early? click *here* to see what our local grad students recommend you check out.
For information on getting around the UofG campus, click *here*.

Andrew Wilde (University of Toronto)
Jonathan Lee (University of Ottawa)
Nina Jones (University of Guelph)
Marc Coppolino (University of Guelph)
Nirosha Murugan (Wilfred Laurier University)
Shaun Sanders (University of Guelph)
Edmond Chan (Queens University)
Sarah Sabatinos (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Amra Saric (SickKids)
Stephanie Tobin (Trent University)
Aleksandar Necakov (Brock University)
Costin Antonescu (Toronto Metropolitan University)
Alice Wang (Jones Lab)
Amelia Doerksen (Sanders Lab)
Andrey Petropavloskiy (Sanders Lab)
Anthony Hendriks (Shapiro Lab)
Cassandra Clausen (Jones Lab)
Denver Bakhareva (Sanders Lab)
Erka Shata (Jones Lab)
Evan Perehiniak (Coppolino Lab)
Hayley Smith (Jones Lab)
Hyeyun Yang (Jones Lab)
Matthew Hibbert (Jones Lab)
Myah Crosby (Tetlow Lab)
Ruina Bao (Cox Lab)